Международная конференция посвящённая 90-летию Исаака Марковича Халатникова
90 лет И.М. Халатникову
22-23 октября
Fomin Igor A.
Affiliations: Kapitsa Insitite of Physical Problems, Moscow, Russia
no additional information

Participating in conferences:
11:30 20-Oct-2019 International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of I. M. Khalatnikov
"Quantum Fluids, Quantum Field Theory, and Gravity"

(presenter) Multiple functions of aerogels in liquid 3He at ultra-low temperatures
11:50 23-Jun-2015 Landau Days 2015 (presenter) Аэрогели в сверхтекучем 3Н
11:40 22-Oct-2009 90 лет И.М. Халатникову (presenter) Effect of correlated disorder on T_c at unconventional Cooper pairing
10:00 21-Jun-2005 Landau Days 2005 (presenter) Superfluid phases of He in aerogel

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