Theory of superconductivity due to Ngai's mechanism in lightly doped SrTiO$_{3}$
Date/Time: 17:30 30-Jun-2021
We develop a theory of superconducting pairing in low-density Strontium
titanate based upon the idea of quadratic coupling of electron density
to soft transverse optical phonons [1]. This coupling
leads to static attractive potential between electrons which decays
in real space exponentially with the length $l_{\mathrm{eff}}$ that
scales inversely with soft optical gap $\omega_{T}$. For low electron
densities $n\leq10^{18}cm^{-3}$ attraction between electrons can
be considered local and superconducting transition temperature $T_{c}$
is calculated using old results [2]. We use independently
obtained magnitude $g$ of the quadratic coupling strength and find
$T_{c}(n)$ dependence in agreement with experimental data [3]
for low doping. Next, we show that suppression of $T_{c}$ by hydrostatic
pressure [4] and strong increase of $T_{c}$ due to
isotop substitution $^{16}O\to^{18}O$ observed in [5]
are qualitatively explained within our theory.
[1] K. L. Ngai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 32, 215
[2] L.P.Gor'kov and T.K.Melik-Barkhudarov, Sov.Phys.
- JETP 40, 1452-1458 (1961)
[3] Xiao Lin, German Bridoux, Adrien Gourgout, Gabriel
Seyfarth, Steffen Kramer, Marc Nardone, Benoit Fauque, and Kamran
Behnia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 207002 (2014).
[4] C. Enderlein, J. Ferreira de Oliveira, D. A.
Tompsett, E. Baggio Saitovitch, S. S. Saxena, G. G. Lonzarich and
S. E. Rowley, "Superconductivity mediated by polar modes in ferroelectric
metals", Nature Comm. (2020),
[5] A. Stucky, G. W. Scheerer, Z. Ren, D. Jaccard,
J.-M. Poumirol, C. Barreteau, E. Giannini and D. van der Marel, Scientific
Reports, 6:37582 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep37582
Kiselyov Dmitry

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