LANDAU DAYS - 2006, Tuesday June 27
A.M. Dyugaev
The ground state of two-dimensional electrons in a nonuniform magnetic field
A.M. Dyugaev
The ground state of two-dimensional electrons in a nonuniform magnetic field
Revaz Ramazashvili (Max Plank, Drezden)
Electron magnetism in antiferromagnetic conductors: giant sp...
Revaz Ramazashvili (Max Plank, Drezden)
Electron magnetism in antiferromagnetic conductors: giant sp...
Revaz Ramazashvili (Max Plank, Drezden)
Electron magnetism in antiferromagnetic conductors: giant sp...
Revaz Ramazashvili (Max Plank, Drezden)
Electron magnetism in antiferromagnetic conductors: giant sp...
P.M. Lushnikov
How much laser power can propagate through fusion plasma?
P.M. Lushnikov
How much laser power can propagate through fusion plasma?
P.M. Lushnikov
How much laser power can propagate through fusion plasma?
I.V. Kolokolov
Diffusion effects at large distances in passive advection
Ya.V. Fominov
Long-range odd triplet superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnet structures with...
Ya.V. Fominov
Long-range odd triplet superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnet structures with...
Ya.V. Fominov
Long-range odd triplet superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnet structures with...
Ya.V. Fominov
Long-range odd triplet superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnet structures with...
V.A. Belyakov
Surface anchoring and structure variations of chiral liquid crystals
V.A. Belyakov
Surface anchoring and structure variations of chiral liquid crystals
V.A. Belyakov
Surface anchoring and structure variations of chiral liquid crystals
V.A. Belyakov
Surface anchoring and structure variations of chiral liquid crystals
D.I. Podolsky
Non-equilibrium processes in the very early Universe
D.I. Podolsky
Non-equilibrium processes in the very early Universe