Landau Days 2013
Landau Days 2013
June, 24-26
Chernogolovka, Russia

Optical Pulse Dynamics in Active Metamaterials with Positive and Negative Refractive Index
Date/Time: 10:00 26-Jun-2013
We study numerically the propagation of two-color light pulses through a metamaterial doped with active atoms such that the carrier frequencies of the pulses are in resonance with two atomic transitions in the $\Lambda$ configuration and that one color propagates in the regime of positive refraction and the other in the regime of negative refraction. In such a metamaterial, one resonant color of light propagates with positive and the other with negative group velocity. We investigate nonlinear interaction of these forward- and backward-propagating waves, and find self-trapped waves, counter-propagating radiation waves, and hot spots of medium excitation.


Korotkevich Alexander O. (Presenter)
(no additional information)

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