Институт теоретической физики им. Л.Д. Ландау РАН
L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS
Landau Days 2017 June, 26-29 Chernogolovka, Russia

Why register

Registration gives access to personal page, allowing to submit presentations to conference. If organizing committee offers help with accomodation, you'll be able to specify your options via personal page.


Registration is two-step process. First you specify your e-mail address and a e-mail is sent to this address with unique lionk in it. This helps to ensure that valid email is given, so that furthwer communication is possible.

You should click link in your e-mail (or copy it to the browser address bar) and form for the last step of registration process should appear. In this form you should supply your personal details. Not every field is mandatory, but please supply at least your first/last names. Do not forget to set password to login to the conference site later. Click "Save" button to finish registration.

Registration information is shared between other conferences, so that you register only once and later can login to any conference supported by this system.

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