Preliminary list of invited speakers:
- Dmitry Abanin (University of Geneve)
- Vsevolod Adler (Landau Institute)
- Anton Andreev (Skoltech, Landau Institute, and Univ. of Washington)
- Oleg Andreev (Landau Institute)
- Daniil Antonenko (Skoltech and Landau Institute)
- Sergei Belan (Skoltech and Landau Institute)
- Mikhail Bershtein (Landau Institute and Skoltech)
- Gregory Falkovich (Weizmann Institute of Science and Landau Institute)
- Alexander Finkel’stein (Texas A&M University and Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Yan Fyodorov (King’s College London and Landau Institute)
- Igor Gornyi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Lev Ioffe (Google Inc.)
- Pavel Ioselevich (HSE and Landau Institute)
- Valentin Kachorovskii (Ioffe Institute)
- Alexander Kamenshchik (INFN Bologna and Landau Institute)
- Anton Khvalyuk (MIPT, Skoltech, and Landau Institute)
- Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP Triest)
- Alexander Mirlin (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Alexey Litvinov (Landau Institute)
- Alexey Lunkin (Skoltech and Landau Institute)
- Pavel Lushnikov (University of New Mexico and Landau Institute)
- Jaakko Nissinen (Aalto University)
- Pavel Ostrovsky (Landau Institute)
- Vladimir Parfenyev (Landau Institute)
- Nikolai Peshcherenko (Skotech and Landau Institute)
- Igor Poboiko (Landau Institute and Skoltech)
- Alexander Shnirman (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Alexei Starobinsky(Landau Institute)
- Nikolay Stepanov (Skotech and Landau Institute)
- Sergej Vergeles (Landau Institute)
- Grigory Volovik (Landau Institute and Aalto University)
- Emil Yuzbashyan (Rutgers University)