Landau Days 2015
Landau Days 2015
June, 22-25
Chernogolovka, Russia
Volovik Grigory E.
Affiliations: Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland; Landau ITP, Chernogolovka, Russia
no additional information

Participating in conferences:
09:00 18-Oct-2019 International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of I. M. Khalatnikov
"Quantum Fluids, Quantum Field Theory, and Gravity"

(presenter) From synthetic gravity to general relativity
10:00 25-Jun-2019 Modern Trends in Condensed Matter Physics
(Lev Gor'kov Memorial Conference)
(presenter) Dirac and Weyl fermions: from Gor'kov equations to Standard model of particle physics
11:50 25-Jun-2015 Landau Days 2015 (presenter) Heavy Higgs modes and little Higgs sector in superfluid 3He
14:30 19-Jun-2015 4th V.N. Gribov Memorial Workshop (presenter) From condensed -matter to high energy physics: Weyl fermions and Higgs bosons
14:10 24-Jun-2014 Landau Days 2014 (presenter) Kopnin force and chiral anomaly
09:20 24-Jun-2014 Landau Days 2014 (presenter) Towards room-temperature flat-band superconductivity
09:00 24-Jun-2014 Landau Days 2014 (presenter) Kopnin in Physics
09:00 28-Jun-2011 Landau Days 2011 (presenter) Nodal topological matter and flat bands
14:00 23-Oct-2009 90 лет И.М. Халатникову (presenter) Landau-Khalatnikov hydrodynamics and phenomenology of dark energy
12:00 22-Jun-2009 Landau Days 2009 Dynamics of the self-sustained vacuum
09:30 28-Jun-2006 Landau Days 2006 (presenter) Black-Hole and White-Hole Horizons in Superfluids
10:30 21-Jun-2005 Landau Days 2005 (presenter) Quantum phase transitions regulated by momentum-space topology
10:50 22-Jun-2004 Landau Days 2004 (presenter) Superfluid turbulence in Helsinki experiments on He

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